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Fiduciary Assets Trust Performance Report trust companies bank trust divisions A.M. Publishing peer comparison financial institutions trust companies banks Bernard Garbo Assets Rebound in 2016, Revenues Lag

(June 6, 2017 --Chicago, IL) -- Trust executives report being more concern with generating new business than on higher revenues, according to Trust Performance Report 2017, which annually reports on the activity of 1400 trust institutions. However, concern varied based on institution type.

Trust Performance Report/A.M. Publishing's annual survey (conducted in late March) suggests that bank trust divisions have been less aggressive in increasing fees. For 2017, executives at independent trust companies are more gung ho than their bank counterparts.

While 30% of trust company executives in March said they were planning to raise fees in 2017, only 11% of bank trust executives planned to do so in 2017, down from 20% in the prior year. Nearly 9 of 10 trust institutions are divisions of banks.

In 2016, assets rebounded, while gross revenue growth was the lowest in the last 6 years.

Among bank trust executives, the best performers remain midtier institutions, those with assets between $1 billion and $10 billion.

Employee Benefit Trust - Other (primarily IRAs and KEOGHs) was the standout performer in 2016. The business line saw total assets decline for the second consecutive year, but revenues continue to rise.

For sample pages of Trust Performance Report 2017, go to

For more information on trust industry statistics and benchmarks, see the upcoming issue of Trust Performace Report 2017.
Trust Performance Report -- annual data book, published in May, provides both industry and peer group performance data by assets, gross revenue, net income, and account category. Subscribers receive quarterly updates. TPR findings are based on its annual survey of the top 1400 fiduciary institutions. For more best practices and benchmark data see TPR. For information on ordering click here or the link below.

Fiduciary Earnings & Expenses -- annual data book comparing performance among independent trust companies to that of OCC national trust companies and to bank trust divisions. For information on ordering click here or the link below.

For Sample copies of both publications click here and then, on the web page, check "Trust Performance Report."

No statement in this issue is offered as or should be construed as legal opinion or advice or as an indicator of future performance.
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